

7:00 pm on the second Monday evening of most months.
Location: CrossLife Evangelical Free Church
431 W. Austin Avenue, Libertyville, IL.
We begin with a short business meeting that is usually followed by a guest speaker. During each meeting we conduct a plant competition among our members. The competition points are accumulated throughout the year and the winner is presented a traveling plaque with their name and the year engraved. We end our meetings with some refreshments and time to socialize among our members and our speaker(s).
Whether you are an avid gardener or a novice at gardening, please join us at our next gathering.



This month’s activity

December 8: Annual Meeting & Holiday Dinner
American Legion Hall Post 329, Libertyville ILLINOIS

4 pm: Social Hour

5 pm Dinner 

Future Activities

January 2025: Landscape for Changing Climate