
Be a garden enthusiast

Welcome to The Gardeners of Central Lake County, Illinois. We are a group of gardening enthusiasts that meet once a month with other gardeners for community and to be inspired by outstanding local speakers.

Besides our monthly meetings, listed below, we have yearly activities such as our Plant Sale, Garden and Nature Walks and other social events. 

The club has been in existence since 1949 and we are the proud caretakers of the Lynn Arthur Public Rose Garden in Cook Park, Libertyville, Illinois.

Join us any time. See our full calendar. Download a membership form. Guests are always welcome at our regular monthly member meetings.

For any information about our Garden Club contact: Cindy Julian.
[email protected]
847-772-2186 cell

Certify Your Property
A growing number of people manage their landscapes in ways that help keep the planet healthy. If you’re among them, please visit, https://www.openlands.org/livability/lakecounty/caringforyourland/certify-your-property/


7:00 pm on the second Monday evening of most months.
Location:  CrossLife Evangelical Free Church
431 W. Austin Avenue, Libertyville, IL.

This month’s activity

December 8: Annual Meeting & Holiday Dinner
American Legion Hall Post 329, Libertyville ILLINOIS

4 pm: Social Hour

5 pm Dinner 

Future Activities

January 2025: Landscape for Changing Climate


Great way to start your garden! 

Our Sponsors